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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Acon Plus Co., Ltd. is a distributor and installation of high-quality engineering equipment. Customer privacy is considered. To collect information and use the necessary information to identify individuals only in accordance with the Computer Act of the Kingdom of Thailand.

This policy describes how we collect information for use and disclosure of personal information (in some cases), the actions with which you personal data is treated, and the choices you can make regarding your own disclosure. Your direct or indirect access to our website constitutes your immediate acceptance of our policies.

Protecting our customers' personal information is very important, so we only ask for some of your information, including:

  • We will provide you with your name and other information related to our Privacy Policy.
  • Collect only information necessary to conduct the company's transactional relationship. Acon Plus is limited to customers only. retention period for your data
  • It is provided as far as the law requires.
  • or for the period for which the purpose for which the data was collected.

You can visit and browse our website without the need to provide any personal information.

Throughout your visit to our website, you will remain anonymous and anonymous until you sign up to register an account with us and log in with your account name and password.

Personal Information

Acon Plus Co., Ltd. will "not sell" or "allow third parties". Participation in the personal information of customers collected is strictly prohibited.

Personal information collected online will only be disclosed within our affiliates for internal purposes.

When you create an account with , the personal information we collect may include the following:

  • sex
  • Name-Surname
  • Shipping address
  • Email address
  • Home-Mobile Phone Number

The personal information we collect is used as follows:

  • To deliver your order.
  • To update shipping information, including in case the customer needs additional services.
  • For providing relevant product information.
  • To process the delivery of your orders and to provide services and provide information through our website. You would like to know more about our products and services other than on the Website.

We will also use the information you provide to us to:

  • Managing your account with our systems
  • Review and submit your financial transaction information to confirm your online payment.
  • To check the number of downloads from our website. This is to improve the layout and content of the website to better meet the needs of customers.
  • As well as to make us know more about the users of our website.
  • So that we can conduct more studies and know the demographic statistics of our customers on our website.
  • To update information that is useful and tailored to your needs. This includes information about products and services from us.

And for all the reasons mentioned above. We are confident that you have an opinion that matches ours and consents to our preservation of your personal data. For your benefit, our customers.

We would like to send your personal information, including your name and address, to third parties in case of shipping, such as providing information to a shipping company.

Once you have registered with us on the website, we will use your personal information to deliver privileges and promotions from us on occasion.

Payment for your goods will be made by our agent. You can only pay for goods through our agents based on the payment information clearly displayed on the website. You must always monitor the payment process and notify us when progress or changes occur.

Your order information is collected in our system, but for strict data protection reasons, we cannot retrieve your order directly. However, you can access this information directly on your own. Simply log in to the website with your own account. You will be able to view all processed order information, both in the process of fulfilling the order and waiting for delivery. You can set up or change the delivery location information. Bank information and newsletters on your own

You must keep the login information and personal information in your account confidential so that it does not pass through to any third party. If the damage is not caused by us.

Update your personal data

You can update your personal information at any time by logging in with your account on the website

Securing your personal data

ACON PLUS CO., LTD. assures you that all of your personal data collected by us will be retained in our archives in the best possible way. We protect and preserve your information with the following measures:

Set boundaries for access to personal information

Always maintain effective technological equipment to prevent hacking into the system.

Destroy personal data immediately once the period of time of need to collect the data has expired for safety reasons.

Disclosure of Personal Information

We will not disclose any of your Personal Data to third parties or organizations other than our affiliates and the person who delivers you payment from  to you.

Necessary actions must be taken in cases where it may compromise the safety of the welfare. life and body of another person, or legally enforced;

ACON Plus Co., Ltd. is responsible for and must comply with the computer act of the Kingdom of Thailand.

User's computer information

Every time you visit a website , our servers automatically collect information from your browser. Such information includes:

Your computer's IP  address

Types of browser programs

Websites you use before visiting the website

Pages in you visited

How long you visit Information you search for within the Website The date and time you visited the website, as well as other statistics.

This information is collected for analysis and evaluation purposes for the development and improvement of our website, products and services. This information is also used in conjunction with other personal information.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

ACON Plus Co., Ltd. has the right to change and amend the Privacy Policy at any time and any changes will appear on our website.


If you are unhappy about this Privacy Policy, we believe that we have not handled your privacy rights satisfactorily. For any feedback or complaints, please contact the Customer Service Center at the channels specified on the contact page or at the company. Acon Plus Co., Ltd.

  • Hits: 106